Podcasts in the intelligent design controversy
Here follows a list of podcasts on various topics by persons of interest to the intelligent design controversy. These will be added to the Encyclopedia of Evolution in the Light of Intelligent Design
Aldini, Giovanni, and virulent materialism, with John West (podcast)
Allegory of the Cave SciPhiShow with Jason Rennie (podcast)
analogies interview with Jay Richards on analogies in science (podcast)
antibiotic resistance - problems for evolution theory (animation)
astronomy and intelligent design interview with Guillermo Gonzalez, (podcast)
Campagna, Joey C., Intelligent design - research Wiki Web site for research (podcast)
Canada - intelligent design controversy in Canada - Cultural differences between Canada and the United States, interview with Denyse O'Leary (podcast)
Chambers, Scott, "Cosmological Fine-Tuning and the Multiverse Model" interview (podcast)
Ciencia Alternativa - intelligent design interview with Mario Lopez (podcast)
cosmological fine tuning "Cosmological Fine-Tuning and the Multiverse Model", interview by Casey Luskin with Scott Chambers (podcast)
Cypher's choice Jason Rennie explains the Matrix crux (podcast)
Darwinbots Denyse O'Leary vs. the Darwinbots (podcast)
Darwin Day in America - West, John, on Darwin Day in America (podcast) John West reads from his book Darwin Day in America (podcast)
Darwinism moral relativism and Darwinism John West (podcast)
Darwinism, Judaism, and Christianity with Jonathan Rosenblum (podcast)
Dawkins, Richard, information challenge Casey Luskin's response (podcast)
Dembski, William, on intelligent design and the church, in conversation with Russell Moore (podcast)
Descartes's demon SciPhiShow with Jason Rennie (podcast)
design - unintelligent design - A discussion between Sheirdan Voysey (host), Robyn Williams, and Denyse O'Leary (science journalists) (podcast)
Doan, Andy, interviewed by Jason Rennie, "Miracles and the Q" (podcast)
Dover case (US) Montana Law review articles (podcast)
Evolutionary Informatics Lab Robert Marks's explanation (podcast)
Evolutionary Informatics Lab and Banned Items (podcast)
Evolutionary Informatics Lab - Web site suppressed at Baylor Report by Anika Smith (podcast)
Evolutionary Informatics Lab See also Marks, Robert
Expelled movie, with Ben Stein - interview with Bruce Chapman (video podcast)
Explore Evolution information, textbook (podcast)
falsifiability - intelligent design and falsifiability interview with Jay Richards (podcast)
fine tuning of the universe Discovery Institute's Casey Luskin discusses Newsweek's Sharon Begley's take on fine-tuning (podcast)
Foundation for Thought and Ethics Dover Trial (podcast) Casey Luskin and Seth Cooper ask, was justice done?
fine tuning of the universe "Cosmological Fine-Tuning and the Multiverse Model", interview by Casey Luskin with Scott Chambers (podcast)
fine tuning of the universe - Casey Luskin on Newsweek article by Sharon Begley (podcast)
Gilder, George, on information theory, at Bar-Ilan University (podcast)
Gnosticism Ben Witherington III interviewed by Jason Rennie of the SciPhiShow, on Gnosticism and Christianity (podcast)
Gnosticism Edwin Yamauchi interviewed by Jason Rennie of the SciPhiShow, on who Gnostics were and what they believed (podcast)
Gonzalez, Guillermo, interview on the Privileged Planet hypothesis (podcast)
Gonzalez, Guillermo, astronomy and intelligent design interview with Guillermo Gonzalez, (podcast)
Gonzalez, Guillermo - denied tenure - documents, interview with John West (podcast)
Gonzalez, Guillermo - denied tenure - tenure appeal (podcast)
Haeckel's embryos - use in textbooks, interview with Casey Luskin (podcast)
homology - intelligent design and homology (video podcast)
Hunter, George Cornelius - interview on his recent book, Science's Blind Spot (podcast)
information theory - George Gilder at Bar-Ilan University (podcast)
intelligent design - definitions, Crowther, Robert: "Defining what intelligent design is" (podcast)
intelligent design - definitions, Luskin, Casey: "Confronting misrepresentative definitions of intelligent design" (podcast)
ntelligent design - falsifiability interview with Jay Richards (podcast)
intelligent design - origin of term by Rob Crowther (podcast)
intelligent design - research Wiki Web site for research (podcast)
Jensen, Lyle, neo-Darwiism skeptic (podcast)
Keller, Rebecca, on "Real Science for Kids" (podcast)
magic - SciPhiSHow with Jason Rennie, on science, rreligion, magic, and technology (podcast)
Marks, Robert - Evolutionary Informatics Lab Web site suppressed at Baylor Report by Anika Smith (podcast)
Matrix SciPhiShow with Jason Rennie (podcast)
mind - mind as illusion - Is the mind just an illusion. Anika Smith interviews Denyse O'Leary (podcast)
miracles, Doan, Andy, "Miracles and the Q" (podcast)
moral relativism moral relativism and Darwinism John West (podcast)
multiverse "Cosmological Fine-Tuning and the Multiverse Model", interview by Casey Luskin with Scott Chambers (podcast)
privileged planet hypothesis interview with Guillermo Gonzalez, on the Privileged Planet hypothesis (podcast)
Real Science for Kids - Keller, Rebecca, on "Real Science for Kids" (podcast)
Rosenblum, Jonathan, interview on Deniuable Darwin (podcast)
science journals - double standard re intelligent design interview with Paul Nelson re Michael Behe's work (podcast)
Von Baer's law - interview with Paul Nelson (podcast)
Wels, Jonathan, an interview with Doug Giles at AudioClash on his book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design (podcast)
West, John, Darwinism moral relativism and Darwinism John West (podcast)
West, John, on Darwin Day in America (podcast)
Labels: intelligent design, podcast