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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Just up at The Mindful Hack

New Scientist conspiracy files: A philosophy prof responds

Bullies really do enjoy it, and neuroscience images the data

Atheism losing confidence, credibility?

Neuroscience: Advocacy research hits the big time

The Mindful Hack is my blog on neuroscience and spirituality. I am the co-author of The Spiritual Brain

Petition to repeal Section 13

Here's a petition to repeal the infamous Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.

Yes, yes, I WILL get back to blogging exclusively on intelligent design-related issues.

But I love my country, and I hate seeing it deformed by grievance hustlers.

This is a vast country, full of opportunities, and none of our citizens or landed immigrants should be victimized by grievance hustlers.

Here's the deal: Canada is so vast that almost anyone can make good here if they figure out where to go and what to do.

You can even shoot your own food. Sarah who? Oh, was that an unusual idea? Why?

Today at Colliding Universes

Not just space aliens - the multiverse has gotta be out there too!

Colliding Universes is my blog on competing theories of the universe.

Want evidence that lots of physicists have truly amazing (fruitcake?) ideas? Go there for evidence.

Intellectual freedom in Canada: Toronto Star says repeal Section 13?

The Toronto Star thinks repeal of the infamous Section 13 of our Canadian "human rights" Act might be a good idea? Wow. As Jay Currie writes, the mothership of the Nanny State has said, Scuttle the little pirate!

The battle is not over yet. We must actually scuttle the little pirate.

Lots of scuzz, on land and sea, would like the right to destroy their neighbours via snitch and tattle in the dead of night, and will give aid and comfort to the pirates.

One of my persistent nightmares is fatuous affluent moms in the Toronto Annex, decking their toddlers out in cute little tees saying "Defend my human rights. SAVE Section 13!"

One wouldn't expect the "moms" to know the perils Section 13 poses to their right to know what is going on in the world. I bet not one in fifty of them knows what libel tourism means, or why it matters for the future health of said toddlers.

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