Discovery Institute on top ten Darwin and design stories
Here is the Discovery Institute's take on our top ten Darwin and Design stories. Agree? Disagree? We are right! Or anyway, we are washing egg nog out of our cuffs.
This blog provides stories that Denyse O'Leary, a Toronto-based journalist, has found to be of interest, as she covers the growing intelligent design controversy. It supports her book By Design or by Chance? (Augsburg 2004). Does the universe - and do life forms - show evidence of intelligent design? If so, Carl Sagan was wrong and so is Richard Dawkins. Now what?
Here is the Discovery Institute's take on our top ten Darwin and Design stories. Agree? Disagree? We are right! Or anyway, we are washing egg nog out of our cuffs.
posted by Denyse @ 3:59 p.m.
Just as nothing in biology makes sense apart from evolution, so nothing in medical research makes sense without cells harvested from "snowflakes" - human embryos abandoned in fertility clinics, once their parents have conceived.
posted by Denyse @ 2:00 p.m.
Toronto-based journalist; grandmother; Roman Catholic Christian