News from the Design of Life and Mindful Hack blogs ...
The origin of life: Unsolved problem now shopped to off-market solutions?
The Darwinian left discovers group selection
Darwinism and popular folklore: Neanderthal man died out on account of equal opportunity?
Fred Flintstone vs. the law
He said it: Origin of Life pioneer on the challenge of origin of life research
Antony Flew: Is he too old Also, New York Times spin: Elderly ex-atheist is just senile.
Intelligence: How much is heredity and how much environment? - the Flynn effect
Books at home predict student success better than parents’ education
US anti-religion group loses standing to fight lawsuits
Faking out brain injury tests - yes, it can be done
AIDS numbers downsized: a learning experience
Pudging the Truth
Grandma was right: Just eat and be thankful
Our weighty obsession - this one should be required reading for teen girls. Eating disorders very often begin with a diet.