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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Books: Frank Turek on Signature in the Cell

Steven Meyer's Signature in the Cell (Harper One, 2009) seems to be waking people up to the basic stupidity of modern Darwinism. Here:

Most of Turek's column riffs, quite rightly, off "climategate":
“You mean science is not objective?” No, unless the scientists are, and too often they are not. I don’t want to impugn all scientists, but it is true that some of them are less than honest. Sometimes they lie to get or keep their jobs. Sometimes they lie to get grant money. Sometimes they lie to further their political beliefs. Sometimes they don’t intentionally lie, but they draw bad scientific conclusions because they only look for what they hope to find.

Misbehavior by scientists is more prevalent than you might think. A survey conducted by University of Minnesota researchers found that 33% of scientists admitted to engaging in some kind of research misbehavior, including more than 20% of mid-career scientists who admitted to “changing the design, methodology or results of a study in response to pressure from a funding source.” Think of how many more have done this but refuse to admit it! (The researchers said as much in their findings.)
Whether people believe in the Christian or Muslim or Hindu conception of God - design is a reality in our universe. The rest is just infighting. Not untrue or unimportant. But a row among people who have got the most basic principles right. From that, trueth may emerege.

If Turek has got that right, he has got something very important right. For example:
Dr. Stephen Meyer has written a fabulous new best-selling book addressing those questions called Signature in the Cell (Harper One, 2009) in the Cell. Having earned his Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge in the philosophy of science, Dr. Meyer is at the top of the science food chain. In our August 8th radio interview, he told me he’s been working on his 600+ page book—which isn’t short of technical detail—for more than a decade.
I am working my way through it, but so far I certainly consider it a worthy shelfmate to Bill Dembski's Design Inference and No Free Lunch and Mike Behe's Edge of Evolution.

Find out why there is an intelligent design controversy:


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