Human evolution: The spin machine in top gear
For a fascinating misreading of what the recently announced Messel Pit fossil really shows, go here:
Scientists have found a 47-million-year-old human ancestor. Discovered in Messel Pit, Germany, the fossil, described as Darwinius masillae, is 20 times older than most fossils that explain human evolution.That fossil doesn't "explain" human evolution; it complicates the picture. The theory that was gaining ground was that humans were descended from tarsier-like creatures, but this fossil, touted as a primate ancestor, is a lemur-like creature.
Often, I hear from people attempting to patch the cracks in the unguided Darwinian evolution theory, as follows: "We have more information than ever!"
Yes, but what if it is - as in this case - the evidence is contradictory?
Evidence for Theory A subtracts from evidence for Theory B. So if A is right, B must be subtracted from the total. If B is right, A must be subtracted from the total.
Surely, that is pretty obvious. But watching the spin machine in high gear is a fascinating exercise anyway.
No wonder fewer and fewer believe Darwinism.
Find out why there is an intelligent design controversy:
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