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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Gotta hand it to the ol' boy ...

Darwin has master publicists. He really does.

Coming home on the bus today, I suddenly realized how odd it is that the ol' Brit toff racist - whose The Descent of Man is an open running sore of racism - is being celebrated everywhere as some kind of liberator.

Well, I guess he is - if you are a racist, and are looking for a "scientific" cover.

Look, this is a guy who thought black people were closer to gorillas than white people are. The idea is not only wrong and offensive, it is completely ridiculous.

He travelled all around the world and he didn't realize that?*

A physicist friend actually spent some time getting through the book, and was astonished at the racism.

I knew about it, of course, but didn't know how to tell him.

In the current era of worship of St. Darwin, you can't tell people these things. You must just hope that they will somehow find out or figure it out for themselves. After all, there is an Internet ....

The really interesting question for me is, why don't the atheist materialists I have met just admit and repudiate Darwin's racism, instead of telling me how much they admire him and what a great hero he was?

They never do. Is that because they secretly believe it and hope for the day when they can admit it openly?

After all, their theory does leave open the idea that different races could be more or less "evolutionarily"** developed, doesn't it?

I would be happy to learn that, as a group, they have openly and publicly denounced and backed away from Darwin's views instead of just covering them up and making coy excuses like "he was against slavery."***

(*Note: I live in a city that hosts people from all over the world, and have seen just about everything you can imagine. Please don't write to tell me what I supposedly don't know. Human culture is everywhere different but human nature is everywhere the same.)

** "evolutionarily" - it grates on the ear as one of the ugliest adverbs in English. Only a Darwinist could have invented it.

***Lots of racists in good standing have been against slavery. There are perfectly good reasons for opposing slavery that are entirely consistent with racism - and that was true in Darwin's case.

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