Podcasts in the intelligent design controversy 6: Back to school with real science

Dr. Keller holds a Ph.D. in Biophysical Chemistry from the University of New Mexico, spent years doing biochemical research on molecular machines, and is an outspoken proponent of teaching students about both the scientific strengths and weaknesses of Darwinian evolution. She is also the CEO of Gravitas Publications, which publishes the Real Science for Kids textbook series, providing textbooks that equip children with the tools they need to become scientific thinkers.
Go here to listen. nd here is an additional podcast with Keller, "Challenging ideas promotes good science education."
[From Denyse: In my view, if you can't teach both the strengths and weaknesses of any theory, including Darwinism, you can't teach rational thinking, let alone scientific thinking. And when you hear the Darwinist say that there simply are no weaknesses in his theory, you are hearing a fanatic. There are weaknesses in any theory, yes, even Newton's theory of gravity. Gravity is a poor fit with the other three fundamental forces of the universe, and that has bothered physicists for a long time. I don't say little kids should be bugged with this stuff, but senior high school students, yes. That is, if it really is a public school, and not a fundamentalist's revival tent or an extremist madrassa.]
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