Intellectual freedom in Canada: Piercing the darkness! Fighting OFF the moral basis for a backward society

In further news, Johann Hari has written an important defence of free speech here.
Also, Brad Trost, MP for Saskatoon-Humboldt, blasts the "human rights" stupidity:
For many years in Cornwall, letter carriers would greet each other with the expression: “Merci Seigneur pour la belle journee” (Thank you Lord for the beautiful day) –a friendly greeting reflecting the francophone culture of the region.
Now both Canada Post management and apparently, the postal workers union, have forbidden the greeting. Why was this greeting forbidden? Someone complained to the Human Rights Commission because others were Thanking the Lord before starting their rounds to deliver mail. Canada Post has cracked down on an innocent greeting.
This leads me to wonder what other greetings could be stopped because of fear of the Human Rights Commission and their thought police mentality.
As I mentioned before, Kathy "Five Feet of Fury" Shaidle almost got bumped from a TV show by the frantic lobbying of a "liberal activist." Now there is a site accusing Kathy of being a racist, apparently sponsored by people who take themselves way, way too seriously. When will they get it straight?:
Look, we have big problems in Canada right now. Our economy is reeling and our new immigrants are likely to be the hardest hit. We do not need people getting up basically fake cases of supposed discrimination, sowing distrust and misinformation, when there are genuine issues out there.
In my lifetime (b 1950), the meaning of "liberal" has completely reversed itself. Now it means, in general, an activist who lobbies against civil rights and open communications. Weird, but perhaps predicted by someone, somewhere ... (An award awaits ya, fella/gal!)
In other (good) news, our literary doyenne Margaret Atwood has decided not to attend a literature festival in Dubai because British novelist Geraldine Bedell has been blacklisted in the United Arab Emirates.
UPDATE!: However, this story is changing. Has a public relations consultant been hired?
Hat tip, again, to the excellent Franklin Carter of the Book and Periodical Council of Canada, who reminds me that Freedom to Read Week begins on February 22. Yes, Franklin, I do remember, and I am coming to the party at the Gladstone.
Ezra Levant thinks that the momentum for reform has not flagged, despite our economic woes:
As I've written before, there is now a motion before the Justice Committee for reviewing the Canadian Human Rights Commission, and its censorship powers; there is also an internal Justice Department review; and there are plenty of MPs and senior staff not directly involved in that portfolio who continue to support reform. I was pleased to meet with a number of "freshmen" MPs -- ones who were just elected in October, and are still finding their feet -- and I was pleased with their command of the facts of this issue. We know that support for reform is wide -- 99% of delegates at the Conservative Party's convention in November supported repealing section 13, the censorship provision.
All of those I spoke with also saw the issue as a political winner -- not only with the Conservative party's base (both the libertarian and socially conservative wings) but also with other groups who have not traditionally be sympathetic to the party, but who love freedom of expression: artists and journalists, to name two groups. I have to agree -- other than hacks who collect a paycheque or a fat contract from HRCs, there really aren't a lot of people in Canada willing to stand up for censorship. It's so un-Canadian, people really have to be paid to support it.
That is, faced with a choice, we are far better off with civil rights than wealth. It's no use having a million dollars in the bank, if we can't talk to a lawyer, or if - due to the extra-legal proceedings of "human rights" tribunals - our civil rights have no force or effect. The money will be grabbed away from us by opportunists, so we will have neither money nor civil rights in the end.
So we are actually better off with nothing in the bank and the right to demand a lawyer - in a system where law really matters - where the tribunal CAN'T just make it up as they go along (= what "human rights" tribunals apparently do).
Now, is that really so hard to understand?
More good news from the Ez (civil rights lawyer Ezra Levant) Alberta provincial cabinet minister Lindsay Blackett has been acting like, well, ... like a minister of the Crown, that is, like what a Cabinet minister is supposed to be. Blackett, pictured above, has denounced the Alberta "human rights" tribunals - after a thorough study of their workings. Blackett told Rick Bell of the Calgary Sun,
He wants the commission to go back to protecting people against discrimination in jobs, housing and access to facilities and not clamping down on those who make statements another person or persons don't like.
The minister, who is a Calgary MLA and a refreshing voice in the provincial Tory inner circle, says the original protections involve about 96% of the complaints currently made, though those whining about free speech hurting them sure suck up a lot of ink.
"People have the right to say what they believe and Albertans strongly believe in that right," says Lindsay.
"We've got to try and find what was the purpose of the human rights commission to start with back in 1972."
One possible reform would be to relieve "human rights" commissions for any responsibility for media or entertainment.
I hope that the Hon. Mr. Blankett will consider that approach, and I will write to him today to suggest it. Basically, I will say:
Mr. Blankett, you are quite right, and I commend you. No one should care much if people can't find a newspaper columnist they agree with (or a comedian who entertains them).Lastly, here's Jonah Goldberg on that largely abused expression, "speaking truth to power":
These are not issues that should interest government. Involving government, via "human rights" commissions, only creates a tsunami of unneeded problems. Surely you do right to insist that in these times human rights commissions focus on critical issues for most people's lives, like employment, housing, and health care.
The commissions may do right or wrong in these matters, but at least they will then focus on issues they were intended to focus on, not ones they should not even bother with - like someone' opinion of something someone else said in a magazine article some time.
... it's worth remembering that government and corporations aren't the only institutions that can abuse power. Factions, to borrow a word from the Federalist Papers, have a power all their own. When governments cave to that power, they become mere tools of bullies. And when journalists go along for the ride, there's no one left to speak truth to power when that is what's needed most.
Throughout the rich countries of the developed world, the audience for broadcast news, especially on television, is falling. The audience for current affairs programs is declining even more rapidly. Where publicly funded broadcasters can continue to support significant news and current affairs divisions, commercial television is cutting back across the board on once prestigious programs.
The news they do carry is markedly lighter in content, more concerned with crime and celebrity than has previously been the case. Great U.S. networks that had once kept a legion of correspondents in bureaus throughout the world now have only a handful.
This applies even more obviously to the print media. Newspapers which had sprung from and helped to define cities- from Los Angeles to Frankfurt, Glasgow to Toronto--now face 2009 with increasing nervousness.
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