Intellectual freedom in Canada: Friends fear the comics won't dare be funny in ways that matter
Key update:
Intellectual freedom in Canada: Charged comedian Guy Earle defends comics - but CHRC is watching him ...
One said, "Late nite comedy is nothing but oral sex jokes!
What? In a country with our politicians and bureaucrats?
If my friend turns out to be right, I am going to conclude that the comics in question get money from the government in return for not sending up anything that matters.
Another friend said, "It'll just be a bunch of Chimpy McBushitler jokes, one after another."
Again, if so, too bad. Chimpy McBushitler is NOT responsible for the decline in freedom of expression in Canada. He would be as likely as anyone to tell our nanny monsters to go do something interesting with themselves and not come back to tell the rest of us the details*.
If we can fix our local problems, we can say what we like about Chimpy. Otherwise, well, can we all spell L-A-M-E together?
Most worrying was the person who stated flatly, "They will not have the nerve to actually provoke the Commissions. Most are washed up lefties with a chip on their shoulder who take themselves way too seriously to be really funny."
Ah but friend, consider: Once the government is turning on the screws, comics have a good reason to take themselves seriously. Some of the world's best jokes originate in opposition to oppressive regimes. And the regime never has any comparable jokes to respond with either.
So I am hopeful and encourage all who can make it to pack the place:
COMICS FOR FREEDOM RALLY to be held at The Comedy Bar (945B Bloor West) on Saturday, July 19 in Toronto. Canadian Comic, Guy Earle, is holding a benefit show, celebrating 40 years of stand-up comedy, to raise money for his impending Human Rights Tribunal. Guy is being taken before the Human Rights Tribunal based on his comebacks to a heckler during a Vancouver comedy night back in May 2007.
The show is UNIQUE in its format. 40 comics will hit the stage for one minute of raw, uncensored social commentary. Stand-up is the embodiment of FREE SPEECH and this show personifies our right to speak while we still can. The show, on July 19th, starts at 9pm and tickets will be available before the show and at the door for 20$. Comics are invited to register for the show at Supporters for the cause are invited to come to the show or donate at the same homepage. Come one, Come all, but REMEMBER there WILL BE offensive language!
Policies I hope will be in place:
1. Talent scouts get priority seating. Forty comics. One show. Hey ...
2. Self-identified government sneaks and snitches get in free but their names and locations will be announced periodically.
3. Persons who suffer from chronic offendedness syndrome will be given special forms to complete, which will be mailed to the grievance agency of their choice, courtesy of the house - unless the washroom runs out of sanitary paper, in which case, ...
(*If the nanny monsters can't get anything else right, they won't get that right either, will they? And we can be absolutely sure, if they are involved, it won't be very funny either.)
Intellectual freedom in Canada: Charged comedian Guy Earle kindly writes to say,
In response to this post, hoping that the comedians at the laugh-in against the "human rights" commissions have the courage to be funny,
I defend my comedy from the stage. If people think I'm unfunny, shouldn't they see me perform before they pass judgement
I have been part of and seen HUNDREDS of amazing shows form coast to coast where REAL social commentary is being traded like precious stones. I haven't seen more ignorant hatred and unqualified statements than the ones that come from my detractors! they don't even know me or have seen me!
Losers, the whole whack of 'em
They don't know the first thing about comedy and should go f themselves!
But that's just me
Guy, for once it isn't just you. Lots of people are sick of the nanny monsters. Canadians are converging on that!
And in a followup note, Guy adds:
You gotta love people who criticize something they know nothing about. I think that has got to be my favorite ignorant thing.
I ain't no Carrottop. I do my blogging from the stage in real life.
In 3-D reality I express my opinions and I fight for a country that allows me to do it. I invite naysayers and skeptics but please be informed in your slander.
Come to my show, let me prove to you how unfunny I am. And while you are counting your bullets, waiting for me to get on the stage and be lame, take a look around the crowd and the performers... see a love of freedom that can only be felt in a Comedy Club (which doesn't exist in anywhere but the free world), feel proud that we can all be together despite our diversity and differences of opinions... If you feel it for one heartbeat, I have done my job.
Guy, in my view, you are doing a great job, making comedy relevant to our real problems in Canada. I look forward to your show.
All I ask of all the comics is, be both funny and relevant. Guy obviously is - otherwise he would not have been charged - now let's see what the rest of them do ...
By the way, I myself will sooner go to jail than become a snack for the nanny monsters. I am not asking you or anybody to do something I wouldn't do myself.
(Note: The image is from Dave Thomas's Instant Cast.)
See also: Let's LAUGH Canada's "human rights" commissions out of existence!
Open letter to comedian Guy Earle ... the latest to be charged by a Canadian "human rights"commission
Labels: Canada, intellectual freedom
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